Are your state’s young people on track for prosperous, self-determined lives?
How do you know?

Now, more than ever, states must lead to ensure a bright future for young people.
The workforce and public education are profoundly connected. But the two systems often operate independently, making innovation and improvement difficult.
State leaders can change that by looking across data from the workforce, higher education, K-12, and early childhood to inform policy decisions.
This tool is designed to help state leaders by providing outcome data from young adulthood down to early childhood – along with case studies of states making improvements for young people – and ratings of state longitudinal data systems (SLDS).

Explore the data
See how your state is preparing its young people across a variety of measurements from state assessments.

How to use this tool
We recommend viewing your state’s data and SLDS rating first. The state bright spots provide concrete examples for learning. The policy decision guide can help move analysis to state action.